SONIC ICELAND - an introduction

Kai and Marcel are fans and bloggers, who used the power of the web to create this portrait: research, financing, live documentation, publication – everything was done with a DIY-mindset. This website combines music, photography and written words into a very personal, yet informing travelogue about Icelandic music in 2010. Sonic Iceland has no inclination of being a complete guide or an exhaustive overview of Icelandic music. It is the story of a trip of two friends to an island up north, armed with camera and notebook. We met many friendly artists and fell in love with Iceland.
Things to know
This website is done with a book in mind. We want this thing printed on paper. But since we also wanted to reach as many people as possible, we decided to do both. First the website, then thinking about publishing a book. This also means for you, if you'd like to enjoy this website in full: take your time. There are lots of words to read, and lots of photos to see.
Pro Tip: Grab a coffee (that's what Icelanders do all the time), and dive in.
Even more things to know
We divided our stories in chapters. One day, one chapter. There's already a few of them online, and we'll add more, one after one.
We did a lot of interviews. These interviews have their own pages, since they are full of good words. You'll find them by looking at the chapters.
We started blogging about this project early 2010. Since then, we documented our preparations, wrote from Iceland as we were there and now it's the place where we inform you about updates (new chapters) and everything related to Iceland and its music. Make sure to subscribe to the blog's RSS-Feed.
Combining The Spirit of Photography With Music
Good morning, dear friends of Iceland. Here’s something you might like. It’s a video with Iceland, Eistnaflug, Leica Camera and Kai in it. And here’s an interview with Kai about his work.
Kai Müller: Combining The Spirit of Photography With Music from Leica Camera on Vimeo.
Svavar, a beer and two sho(r)ts
Our favourite Icelandic troubador Svavar Knutur has recently toured Europe, and during the tour he was interviewed by German webshow ‘Ein Bier und zwei Kurze’ (A beer and two shots), where artists are offered to either play two songs or down the shots. Svavar opted for the songs, and also had some very interesting news to share: he’s currently working…
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Fragments of Iceland from Lea et Nicolas Features on Vimeo.